Up-Front Agreement for The Cherrington Experience™ (6-Month Mentorship)

Adam Cherrington

Husband, Father, Super Affiliate

Greetings Aspiring Super Affiliate,

You are about to embark on a journey with The Cherrington Experience™, a mentorship program that stands at the forefront of affiliate marketing innovation. Spearheaded by Adam Cherrington, AKA "The Master," in the affiliate marketing realm, and powered by the renowned Cherrington Media, this experience is not just a learning curve; it's a transformative expedition.

Within The Cherrington Experience™, you access a proven system that has consistently delivered results. This method, a culmination of Adam's 20+ years of experience and unique insights in the industry, has helped hundreds of individuals achieve remarkable success in affiliate marketing.

As you sign the Up-Front Agreement today, remember this is more than a commitment to a program. It's a commitment to your success, to the untapped potential within you, and to a journey that will redefine your understanding of affiliate marketing.

Welcome aboard!

90-Day Performance Guarantee For The Cherrington Experience™

Make $5,000 In 90 Days, Or It's FREE

At Cherrington Media, we're confident our proprietary systems, seasoned experience and exclusive resources will radically transform your affiliate business. If you are committed to following a step-by-step, proven system, show up every day, and be willing to push the boundaries of what you believe is possible, we guarantee you will make at least $5,000 in revenue in 90 days.

Otherwise, we'll refund your entire purchase AND give you FULL access to all of our coaches and resources until you do! - You have nothing to lose!

*(see below for full terms & conditions)

At Cherrington Media, we are committed to your success and firmly believe in the transformative power of this mentorship. To ensure a meaningful and result-oriented journey, we proudly offer a 90-Day Performance Guarantee. This guarantee reflects our confidence in the mentorship's efficacy and your potential for success.

Commitment to Excellence

Our program is designed to guide you comprehensively through the intricacies of affiliate marketing. By following our structured approach and actively engaging in all aspects of the mentorship, we're confident that you'll experience significant growth in your marketing skills and strategies. Our guarantee is not just a promise; it's a testament to the success our students have consistently achieved.

Action-Based Refund Guarantee: A Partnership in Success

We understand that commitment and effort are two-way streets. As such, our action-based refund guarantee is a pledge from both sides - ours to provide top-notch guidance and resources, and yours to dedicate yourself fully to the learning process. We emphasize the importance of 'pivoting' and adapting strategies based on data insights, a critical skill for thriving in the dynamic world of affiliate marketing.

Why This Strategy Works

The success of our mentorship lies in its holistic and integrated approach. Attempting to blend our strategies with disparate methods can undermine the effectiveness of the program. We encourage you to immerse yourself in the learning process, actively participate in group discussions, revisit our training materials, and trust the process that has led countless students to achieve financial independence and success.

Your Opportunity for Success

This mentorship is more than just a learning program; it's a gateway to creating a successful business. We are here to support you every step of the way, but your commitment and dedication are paramount. If you're ready to fully embrace this opportunity, we're confident that you won't find a better path to success in affiliate marketing.

Qualifying for the Guarantee

*To qualify for the 90-Day Performance Guarantee, certain criteria must be met. These criteria are designed to ensure your active participation and commitment to the program.

To Qualify For The Guarantee, You Must Have Met Each Of The Following 5 Criteria Within 90 Days Of Signing Up:

  • Criteria #1: Active & Engaged Participation in At Least 30 Live Zoom Calls
  • Criteria #2: Completion & Implementation of At Least 10 Marketing Reviews
  • Criteria #3: Effective Utilization of Our Professional Virtual Assistant (V.A.) Team
  • Criteria #4: Diligent Sharing and Updating of Profit & Loss (P&L) Spreadsheet
  • Criteria #5: Achieving a Minimum of $10,000 in Ad Spend on Specified Traffic Sources

*(see below for full terms & conditions)

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Purposeful Engagement Beyond Attendance

At Cherrington Media, we believe that active engagement is key to harnessing the full potential of our affiliate marketing mentorship. To meet the first criterion of our 90-Day Guarantee, participants are required to attend a minimum of 30 live Zoom calls within a 90-day period. However, attendance alone is not enough. We emphasize the importance of meaningful participation in these sessions.

Active Participation and Questioning

Your involvement in these calls should be interactive and proactive. We encourage you to:

- Ask Questions: Engage with our expert coaches by asking insightful questions. This shows your willingness to learn and apply new concepts.
- Implement Suggestions: Actively apply the advice and strategies discussed during the calls. Implementation of these suggestions is crucial for your growth and the mentorship's success.

Effective Communication and Visibility

To foster a conducive learning environment, it's essential that:

- Clear Communication: Ensure your audio and video are clear during the calls. This enables effective communication and allows our coaches to provide tailored guidance.
- Visibility: Our coaches appreciate putting a face to the name. Your visible presence during the calls aids in building a more personal and effective coaching relationship.

Accountability and Growth

By adhering to these guidelines, you not only comply with the mentorship's requirements but also set yourself up for significant professional growth. Your active participation is a testament to your commitment to success in affiliate marketing.

Remember, these calls are an opportunity for you to gain insights, clarify doubts, and receive personalized advice from seasoned professionals. Make the most of this resource to accelerate your journey towards achieving your marketing goals.

Importance of Timely and Strategic Reviews

For the second criterion of our 90-Day Guarantee, we require participants to complete at least ten marketing reviews conducted by our expert coaches. These reviews are strategically scheduled to provide you with the most benefit at critical stages of the marketing process. To ensure you receive the full advantage of these reviews:

- Request Reviews at Specified Times: It's imperative that you request these marketing reviews precisely when they are scheduled in the mentorship. This timing aligns with key phases in your marketing development.

- Immediate Implementation: Upon receiving feedback from our coaches, implement the suggested changes as soon as possible. This swift action is crucial for maintaining momentum and making continuous progress.

Acknowledgment and Confirmation Process

- Acknowledgment of Implementation: Before you proceed to the next step in the mentorship, you are required to formally acknowledge that you have implemented our coaches' suggestions. This is a critical part of the process, ensuring that you are moving forward with the most effective strategies in place.

- Confirmation from Our Team: After your acknowledgment, our team will review your implementation and confirm via email that it is satisfactory and that you are ready to move on to the next phase. This confirmation ensures that you are on the right track and that the changes made are in line with our expert advice.

- Accessible Reviews: These reviews are easily accessible from within our portal. We encourage you to utilize this resource to its fullest to enhance your marketing strategies.

Leveraging Expert Advice for Success

The purpose of these reviews is not just to provide feedback but to ensure that you are applying the best practices in your marketing efforts. Each review is an opportunity to refine your approach, learn from experienced professionals, and adapt your strategies for maximum effectiveness. Your commitment to this process is essential for your success in our affiliate marketing mentorship.

Leveraging Expert Assistance for Efficient Marketing Development

As a crucial part of our 90-Day Guarantee, we require participants to actively utilize our professional team of Virtual Assistants (V.A.s) for building out their marketing materials. This criterion is designed to accelerate your progress and enhance the quality of your marketing efforts.

Why Use Our V.A. Team?

- Expertly Trained Professionals: Our V.A. team has been personally trained by Adam, ensuring they are well-versed in the latest and most effective marketing strategies.

- Quick and Efficient Execution: With their expertise, our V.A.s can expedite the process of creating and optimizing your marketing materials, saving you valuable time and effort.

- Insight into Effective Strategies: Our V.A.s have a keen understanding of what works in the current market and are proficient in using our proprietary tools.

- Advantage of Professional Help: By leveraging their skills, you gain a significant advantage in developing a more effective and competitive marketing approach.

Demonstrating Utilization of Our V.A. Team

- Showcasing Correspondence: To fulfill this criterion, you need to provide evidence of your engagement with our V.A. team. This includes correspondence such as emails or messages that demonstrate your active use of their services in developing your marketing materials.

- Collaborative Approach: It's important that your interaction with our V.A. team is collaborative. Seek their advice, provide feedback, and ensure that the materials developed align with your marketing goals and the mentorship's guidelines.

Accessing Our V.A. Team

- Easy Accessibility: We encourage you to take full advantage of this resource to optimize your marketing strategies and streamline your progress.

Maximizing Your Marketing Potential

Utilizing our V.A. team is not just a requirement but a strategic decision to enhance the effectiveness of your marketing campaign. Their expertise and insights are invaluable assets that can significantly impact your success in the mentorship. Engage with them actively and let their proficiency guide you towards achieving your marketing objectives.

Essential Financial Transparency and Reporting

In the fourth criterion of our 90-Day Guarantee, we emphasize the importance of maintaining and sharing a comprehensive Profit & Loss (P&L) Spreadsheet with our support team. This requirement is vital for monitoring your financial performance and making informed decisions.

Regular Updating and Milestone Notifications

- Daily Updates: Your P&L Spreadsheet should be updated daily to reflect the most current financial status of your marketing efforts.

- Ad Spend Milestones: Notify our support team at [email protected] when you reach each of the following ad spend milestones: $2,000, $4,000, $6,000, $8,000, and $10,000.

- Timely Alerting: It's crucial to inform our team at these milestones, allowing us to provide timely suggestions for improvement.

Implementation and Verification of Suggestions

- Mandatory Implementation: To qualify for the guarantee, you must not only alert our team but also implement the suggestions provided by our coaches.

- Coach Verification: After implementing these suggestions, our coaching team must verify via email that the necessary changes have been made. This verification is essential for you to proceed to the next phase of the program.

- Required Redoing: If our coaches advise that certain aspects need to be redone, these revisions must be completed before moving forward. This ensures that all strategies and tactics are aligned with the best practices and advice of our experienced professionals.

Importance of Compliance and Responsiveness

This criterion is designed to ensure that you are not only financially aware and responsible but also actively engaged in improving your strategies based on expert advice. Your responsiveness to our suggestions and the accuracy of your financial reporting are key components of your success in the program. By fulfilling these requirements, you demonstrate your commitment to excellence and continuous improvement in your affiliate marketing journey.

Commitment to Rigorous Testing and Optimization

The fifth and final criterion of our 90-Day Guarantee focuses on your investment in advertising. We require that you spend a minimum of $10,000 USD on ads using the specific traffic sources taught within our program. This significant investment is key to testing, refining, and ultimately finding a successful marketing campaign.

Understanding the Ad Spend Requirement

- Minimum Spend Threshold: Spending at least $10,000 in ad spend is crucial for adequately testing and tweaking your marketing strategies. It's a process that allows you to understand what works best in real-world scenarios.

- Specific Traffic Sources: The ad spend should be on the traffic sources specifically recommended in our program. This ensures that your efforts are aligned with our proven strategies.

Milestone Notifications and Approvals

- Alerting at Milestones: As with the previous criterion, it's important to notify our support team at the ad spend milestones of $2,000, $4,000, $6,000, $8,000, and $10,000. This can be done by emailing [email protected].

- Approval from Coaching Team: Before proceeding past each milestone, you must receive approval from our coaching team. This approval is based on their assessment of your campaign's performance and the effectiveness of your ad spend.

- Incorporating Suggestions for Improvement: It's essential that you give our team time to weigh in with suggestions for improvement at each milestone and implement these before proceeding further. This collaborative process ensures that your ad spend is being utilized in the most effective way possible.

The Role of Strategic Investment in Success

This criterion emphasizes the importance of a strategic and well-managed investment in advertising. By meeting this requirement, you demonstrate your dedication to the process and your willingness to invest in finding the most fruitful marketing strategies. Your active engagement with our coaching team and adherence to their guidance are critical to optimizing your ad spend and maximizing the potential for success in your affiliate marketing endeavors.

The Necessary Legal Stuff:

This Student Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into between Cherrington Media, LLC (“Company”) and you (“Student”) for the provision of online sales training services (“Services”). By signing up for the Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


The Company shall provide the Student with access to the online sales training course (“Course”) for the purpose of teaching the Student how to sell goods online. The Course will be delivered through a learning management system or similar online platform (“Platform”), and may include video tutorials, interactive exercises, and other materials.


The Company offers different programs for the Services, including a 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month program (“Programs”). The Student shall select the Program and the corresponding fee, as specified in the invoice provided by the Company.

The Program will be offered online through the Company’s website or other online platform. The Company may also use video conferencing software such as Zoom or other communication platforms for live sessions, coaching, or support.

By using these platforms, the Company is able to provide a more interactive and engaging experience for the Student . The Student will need to have access to a reliable internet connection and a computer or mobile device that meets the Company’s technical requirements.

The Company will provide the Student with information about how to access the online components of the Program, as well as any necessary login credentials or links. The Company will also provide instructions for how to join any live sessions or video conferences.

The Company will make every effort to provide the Student with the Program content as scheduled, but does not make any promises or guarantees as to the frequency of classes and/or the availability of Company instructors, coaches, and support staff. The Company may need to modify the Program schedule or content from time to time due to unforeseen circumstances or events beyond its control.

The Student understands that the Company is not responsible for any delays in the delivery of Program content and/or coaching, instruction, and support, and that the Student is not liable for any damages or losses resulting from such delays. The Company will notify the Student of any changes to the Program schedule or content as soon as practicable.

Program Rates

The rates for the 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month programs are as follows:

         _______     3-month program: $12,997.00
         _______     6-month program: $24,997.00
         _______     12-month program: $39,997.00

The Student shall be responsible for paying the applicable rate for the selected Program as indicated by Student's initials above, as well as any applicable taxes, fees, or charges. The Company reserves the right to change the Program rates at any time, but such changes shall not apply to the Student's existing Program.


If the Student is not satisfied with the Services, the Company may provide a refund, subject to the terms of the selected Program. After Student has started the program, no refunds shall be provided except as provided below.

To qualify for a refund, within 90 days of the start of the program, a Student must:

         1. Show Active and Engaged Participation in At Least 30 Live Zoom Calls ("Criteria #1"                        referenced above)
         2. Complete and Implement of At Least 10 Marketing Reviews ("Criteria #2"                                           referenced above)
         3. Exercise Effective Utilization of Our Professional Virtual Assistant (V.A.) Team ("Criteria #3"            referenced above)
         4. Show Diligent Sharing and Updating of Profit & Loss (P&L) Spreadsheet ("Criteria #4"                      referenced above)
         5. Achieve a Minimum of $10,000 in Ad Spend on Specified Traffic Sources ("Criteria #5"                    referenced above)

No refunds shall be provided after 90 days from the start of the program. The start of the program shall be determined as of the date that Student is provided access to the program and not the date that Student first actually accesses the program.

Program Extension

If the Student wishes to extend the selected Program, they shall notify the Company in writing and pay the corresponding fee for the extension. The extension shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the selected Program.

Program Completion

Upon completion of the selected Program, the Student shall receive a certificate of completion. The Company does not guarantee any specific results or outcomes from the Services, and the Student acknowledges that individual results may vary based on their efforts and external factors.


The Student shall pay the Company the agreed-upon fee for the Services. The fee may be paid in full upfront or in installments, as specified in the invoice provided by the Company. Failure to pay the fee may result in suspension or termination of access to the Course.

Intellectual Property

The Company retains all ownership and intellectual property rights in the Course and all materials provided to the Student as part of the Services. The Student may not reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works based on the Course or any of the Company’s materials without the prior written consent of the Company.

Disclaimer of Warranty

The Company makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the Course or any other materials provided to the Student. The Company shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, or damages arising from or in connection with the Course or any other materials.

Limitation of Liability

The Company shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from or in connection with the Course or any other materials provided to the Student. The maximum liability of the Company under this Agreement shall be limited to the amount paid by the Student for the Services.


The Student agrees to keep confidential all materials and information provided by the Company as part of the Services. The Student shall not disclose or share any such materials or information with any third party without the prior written consent of the Company.


Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time upon written notice to the other party. Upon termination, the Student shall immediately cease using the Course and all materials provided by the Company. Termination does not entitle Student to refund, except as otherwise provided for by this Agreement.

No Profit Guarantee

The Company does not guarantee that the Student will make a profit or achieve any specific financial outcome as a result of the Services. The Company provides education and training on online sales, but the success of the Student's business is dependent on many factors, including but not limited to market conditions, competition, and the Student's own efforts and abilities.

          _________     By acknowledging this No Profit Guarantee, the Student understands that their success is dependent on many factors and that the Company does not guarantee any specific financial outcome.


The Student agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising from or in connection with the Student's use of the Course or any other materials provided by the Company.

Amendments to Program

Student understands and acknowledges that due to the ever changing and dynamic nature of online sales, the Company reserves the right to amend, modify, and/or change the substance of the classes, including but not limited to course content, materials, instructors, and schedule, at any time and without notice. The Student acknowledges that the Services are subject to change and that the Company shall not be liable for any such changes.

The Company shall use reasonable efforts to provide notice to the Student of any material changes to the Services, including but not limited to changes to the selected Program, as soon as practicable. The Student shall be responsible for checking the Company’s website and/or other communication channels regularly for updates and changes.

          _________     By agreeing to this Amendments clause, the Student understands that the Services are subject to change and that the Company may amend, modify, and/or change the substance of the classes at any time and without notice.

Mutual Non-Disparagement

During the term of this Agreement and thereafter, the Student and the Company agree not to make any disparaging or negative comments, whether written or oral, about the other party or its officers, directors, employees, agents, products, or services. This provision shall not prohibit either party from making truthful statements or disclosures as required by law or in legal proceedings.
The Student and the Company acknowledge that any breach of this provision may result in irreparable harm to the other party, and that the other party shall be entitled to seek injunctive relief in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity.

By agreeing to this Mutual Non-Disparagement clause, the Student and the Company acknowledge that maintaining a positive business relationship and reputation is important and agree to refrain from making any negative or disparaging comments about each other.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule.

Any legal action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be brought exclusively in the federal or state courts located in the County of Dallas, State of Texas, and each party hereby submits to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such courts.

By agreeing to this Governing Law and Jurisdiction clause, the Student and the Company agree that any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas and that any legal action or proceeding shall be brought exclusively in the federal or state courts located in the County of Dallas, State of Texas.

Waiver of Class Action Lawsuits

The Student and the Company waive any right to bring any claims against each other as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative action. The Student and the Company agree that any dispute shall be resolved on an individual basis and that neither the Student nor the Company shall be entitled to join or consolidate claims in arbitration or court with claims brought by or against any other party.

Marketing Material Disclaimer

The Student acknowledges that any marketing material related to the Program is for informational purposes only and does not create any guarantees, warranties, or representations about the Services. The Company shall not be liable for any discrepancies between the marketing material and the actual Services provided. The Student understands that any marketing material related to the Program is for informational purposes only and does not create any guarantees or warranties about the Services provided by the Company.


The Student acknowledges that their enrollment in the Program is personal and nontransferable. The Student shall not assign or transfer any of their rights or obligations under this Agreement to any third party without the prior written consent of the Company.


The Company reserves the right to amend this Agreement at any time by posting the amended terms on its website or through the Platform. The Student's continued use of the Course after such posting constitutes acceptance of the amended terms.

Modifications and Waivers

No modification or waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision or the right to enforce it at a later time. Additionally, the failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision or the right to enforce it at a later time.

Breach of Agreement

In the event that any legal action or proceeding is brought by Company against Student arising out of or relating to this Agreement, Company shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in connection with such action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which it may be entitled.


The provisions of this Agreement that by their nature are intended to survive termination, including but not limited to the provisions on intellectual property, confidentiality, limitation of liability, and governing law, shall survive termination of this Agreement.

Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Company and the Student with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether oral or written, between the parties.


___________________________                    ___________________________
[STUDENT]                                              Date                                 

___________________________                    ___________________________
Cherrington Media, LLC                        Date

*Marketing Material Disclaimer:

The content and resources provided through Cherrington Media and The Cherrington Experience™ are shared with an intent for transparency and educational purposes. It is presumed that the reader is a discerning adult, understanding the nature of online business and the absence of guarantees in financial outcomes, particularly in the context of starting a new website.

Please be advised:

  1. No Guarantees or Warranties: Employing the techniques, ideas, strategies, products, or services described by Cherrington Media and The Cherrington Experience™ does not guarantee similar results. Each individual's success and results may vary significantly based on personal skills, financial resources, marketing knowledge, and time investment. Historical performances or experiences shared on the website are not indicative of future results and should be understood as individual examples, not universal expectations.
  2. No “Get Rich Quick” Promises: The materials and content presented by Cherrington Media and The Cherrington Experience™ should not be interpreted as offering a “get rich quick” solution. The potential to earn and succeed in online marketing is heavily dependent on individual efforts and the prevailing state of online marketing. We make no promises or guarantees regarding the level of success or earnings one may achieve by applying the techniques and ideas shared on our site.

This disclaimer is necessitated by the requirements of legal advisement, underscoring the absence of guaranteed financial outcomes in the dynamic and varied field of web marketing.*