
One of the major benefits you, as a student of the program enjoy, is the ability to promote the mentorship as an affiliate and earn commissions for sales. Using your unique affiliate ID you can promote on Facebook (Meta) and Youtube using the marketing materials provided by Adam Cherrington himself.

WHERE to begin:


  1. Copy and paste this link into your browser: You will see a login window prompting you to input your email and password. BUT don’t log in unless you have already created a new password.
  2. Find and click on the “Forgot Your Password” button below and to the right.
  3. Enter the email address you used to create your Refersion account, and the security code in the field below, and then click on the “Request New Password” button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. An email with a password reset link will be sent to that email address you provided. Follow the instructions to reset your password.
  5. Grab your affiliate ID - Once you have logged in, you will see the home screen. At the top of the home screen, you will see your unique affiliate ID.
  6. Update your Meta campaign with this new affiliate ID. If you are running on Google/Youtube you will need to modify the link before updating your campaigns. (See below.) If you are using a paid media buyer you can give him the link and he will update your campaigns for you.
  7. Modify for Google/Youtube: The default link will look like this:

    Replace the section that says “my-new-book” with “invisible-affiliate-system” to come up with the new link for Google/Youtube. I will look like:

    Your affiliate link will have it’s own unique set of characters attached to the end, and will not be “12345678”.

If you have any questions about account access or your Affiliate links, send those to [email protected].

PART 2 - Professional Media Buyer vs Self-Managed

This is your first big decision point: Should you manage your own campaigns or let a professional media buyer that is trained to run and manage campaigns for you?

Running campaigns on Facebook or Youtube can feel like a daunting task. Most Students focus their time on learning affiliate marketing in our main coursework, and learning Facebook or Youtube marketing is too much to take on. For those Students we offer a media buyer program, which is described in detail below.

If you have experience marketing on either platform, you can take on the job yourself. We offer weeknight calls to support you in the process, covering a full range of issues related to setting up, ad creation and optimization. You can even schedule a one on one call with a VA to assist in the set up. (LINK TO Booking Page for VA,
Jericko Tordecilla or Jhona Andal).

Meta & Google Media Buying: Coaching Call Every weekday evening from 7 - 8pm CST with Kalev &Sarath

  • Meta Media Buying: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7 - 8pm CST
  • Google Media Buying: Tuesday, Thursday, 7 - 8pm CST


Join us every weekday evening from 7 - 8pm CST. Click this link to join (the link will only work during the scheduled times).

EMB Program Description for Portal

If managing your own social media campaigns is beyond your scope or desire, we invite students to consider the Elite Media Buyer program - or EMB. This is a monthly contract to have a media buyer run your marketing campaigns for you. Working with the media buyer, you set your marketing budgets and goals, and let the media buyer implement the plan for you.

For more information on this program click here.

Elite Media Buyer Program:

Unlock your potential with the Elite Media Buyer (EMB) Program, a revolutionary service designed to elevate your affiliate marketing success. With EMB, you'll have expert media buyers setting up and managing your ads and a performance guarantee to ensure you hit your Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) targets. If your CPA exceeds the target, you'll be reimbursed the difference, providing a safety net that allows you to focus on scaling your campaigns confidently.

Choose from tailored tiers to match your budget and goals, and start transforming your marketing efforts today.

  • Silver - $97~Monthly / $600 CPA
  • Gold - $297~Monthly / $500 CPA
  • Platinum - $497~Monthly / $400 CPA
  • Diamond - $997~Monthly / $330 CPA

How it works:

The EMB program is based on a performance guarantee tied to a target CPA (Cost Per Acqusition). When you sign up for any level, you'll get a media buyer who will set up and run the ads on your behalf with a guarantee of the performance based on a minimum CPA (Cost per acquisition) included. This means that if your actual CPA is higher than your program CPA, you'll be compensated for the difference.


Let assume you've chosen the Platinum tier, which guarantees a maximum CPA of $330. That means that you should average $330 of ad-spend for every sale. have spent $5,000 and received 5 frontend IAS sales. At the time of the $5,000 minimum spend the formula for calculation of the CPA is as follows:



Actual CPA: $5,000 spent/5 sales= $1,000 Actual CPA
Reimbursement Calculation: ($1,000 Actual CPA - $400 Base CPA) x 5 sales = $3,000 credit

Program Requirements:

  1. Minimum Ad-Spend $5000: Be prepared to invest a minimum of $5000 in ad-spend. The CPA guarantee formula will be applied after each $5000 of ad spend investment.
  2. Completed the Form and
  3. Signed the Contract.

Please read the contract carefully so you are fully aware of how the program works. While our teams have seen amazing results, we can’t guarantee anyone else's results. We can offer insights and suggestions, but we have found that every account behaves differently. Some take more ad spend to reach the target customers and find the “sweet” spot, while some make rapid gains.

***If you choose to cancel the EMB service, there is no proration to the fee charged. The CPA will be applied to ad-spend so long as the ad-spend is $5000 or more. 

Here are the links for the different tiers to begin monthly payments:



Monthly / ($600 BASE CPA) E.M.B SERVICE



Monthly / ($500 BASE CPA) E.M.B SERVICE



Monthly / ($400 BASE CPA) E.M.B SERVICE



MONTHLY / ($330 Base CPA) E.M.B Service

** Please let us know once you've paid using the appropriate link above based on the tier you have selected, and provide the details below so we can forward them to the media buyers manager.

Details Required:

  • Tier Chosen:
  • First & Last Name:
  • Email:
  • Platforms you want a Media Buyer for (Meta /Google Ads/ or Both):